Introducing Nomad Notes

Welcome to the inaugural record of Nomad Notes! The first time I put finger to key with a little abandon and then dare to actually publish…

If you know anything about Nomad Skin then you know we are all about holistic skin health inspired by natural remedies from all over the world. You might also know that we’re major culture nerds who name our products by selecting relevant words from foreign languages and that we believe that travel is a human need… and will not succumb to reason when defending that belief.

I am here to share what I know about skin health, cultural wealth and all the amazing things we learn when we travel. From skincare and science know-how to travel tips, from kitchen remedies to fancy hotel bathrooms – I want to chronicle the best in skincare and the best in travel.

In my first public note, I need to set the scene and the best way to do that is obviously with a word from another language…


Origin: Swedish

The meaning of resfeber refers to the restless race of the traveller’s heart before the journey begins when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together.

That’s a little like how I’m feeling right about now, as I embark on the proverbial journey of creating this blog (and as I consider where my next adventure is going to be while I procrastinate completing this initial post).

Daydreaming aside, the first thing I want to put out there is that the best looking skin is healthy skin. That’s a formulation pillar for Nomad and a truth. No amount of makeup can replicate healthy, well-kept skin (although, the Paris filter on Insta does a pretty good job).

Your skin is your largest organ. It’s a critical, functional organ too (first line of protection against infection, temperature regulation, keeping all your innards in, etc). So even if you’re not persuaded by vanity, you should be taking good care of it!

To start with (assuming you’ll read the next note), I’m going to leave you with the GOATs of skin health:

1. Hydration starts from the inside out. It’s age old. You’ve heard it a hundred times. Drink enough water. No excuses.

2. Nourished skin also starts from the inside out. This one’s more like decades old. You’ve probably heard it a hundred times though. Eat well. You don’t have to be on a strictly healthy diet. Just a balanced one that involves more than nachos and guacamole (unless you’re on holiday in Mexico in which case that is totally acceptable).

3. Sleep is imperative. It’s when your body (and therefore skin) heals and repairs itself. Here’s a quote from my dad: “You can survive weeks without food. You can probably go for a week without water. You cannot go for more than 48 hours without any sleep.” Think about that!

I hope you’re not bored and that you continue to tune in. You can sign up on our website or follow us on Insta (@nomadskin_) for new post notifications.

For skin you can take anywhere.


Reem (Founder - Nomad Skin)